About Us

Some people think of us as the Harvest Market Church or the Clutter Barn Church. Did you ever wonder what goes on here the rest of the time? The joy, fun, sharing and caring that you see at Harvest Market and the Clutter Barn are just glimpses of what you will find here throughout the year. So stop by and join us anytime.

The United Church of Underhill is an active, vibrant congregation. We are young and old; single, couples, and families; believers, questioners, and questioning believers. We have a Sunday School for young children, occasional youth activities, small groups for adults and service opportunities for one and all. We welcome you to share the journey.

We gather to worship together every Sunday morning at 10:00 am. Our service is traditional, but lively, with music, a children’s sermon, and much more. Our Sunday Friends group convenes most Sundays after the children’s sermon.

What makes us a “United” church? We were formed in 1973 by the merger of a Methodist church and a Congregational UCC church. We draw from the strengths of each tradition, and are united because we love and care for each other, including our differences. For our 50th anniversary celebration in November 2023, church member and resident historian Gary Irish compiled a history of ministry since our founding.

We are an active part of the Underhill-Jericho community, but we are also a refuge from it. We provide many opportunities for worship, fellowship, and service, but we also welcome you to come in, be still, and contemplate your faith.

Come as you are – we look forward to meeting you!

For more detail, see our What We Believe and Inclusiveness pages