The Future Is Federated

Ever wonder what the biggest differences are between the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church? Need a refresher on the history and struggle for LGBTQIA+ rights in the churches? Wondering what will happen to The United Methodist Church at General Conference 2022 (?)? A three-week joint education series between the United Church of Underhill, Williston Federated Church, and the United Community Church of Morrisville will explore these questions and more. 

Join via Zoom on Wednesdays at 7:00, February 2, 9, and 16. 

Session 1 – Contrasting case studies of denominational dynamics in the UMC and UCC. Here is the powerpoint presentation.  

Led by Rev. Paul Eyer (ordained UCC), Williston Federated Church

Session 2 – In-depth look at the history and the prospective path forward for the UMC & LGBTQ+ rights. The powerpoint presentation is here.

Led by Rev. Becca Girrell (ordained UMC), United Community Church of Morrisville

Session 3 – The Future is Federated. Jen’s overview slide deck is available here. Peter Mitchell’s presentation is found here.

Led by Rev. Jennifer Mihok (to be ordained UMC, June 2022), United Church of Underhill

Connect on Zoom at 7:00 pm: Go to:
If prompted, enter the meeting ID: 802 899 1722
Or dial (646) 558 8656
When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 802 899 1722