August 4, 2021- Welcome, Bishop Devadhar!

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We look forward to welcoming Bishop Sudarshana Devadhar of the New England Conference of the United Methodist Church to worship this week. Bishop Devadhar will preach and be available to greet us during our outdoor fellowship time after the service. We hope to see many of you there!

We continue to watch what is happening in our state, county, and towns in terms of coronavirus spread. Following the review given at yesterday’s press conference with the governor, we are not making any changes to church policies and procedures at this time. Here are a few reminders of what to expect:

  • Indoor mask wearing for vaccinated people is optional, and we ask unvaccinated people of any age to wear a mask indoors. We also know and expect that many vaccinated people (including your pastor!) may choose to wear face coverings indoors, and that is more than welcome in our worship space and at any church gathering.
  • People working with children indoors will wear masks. (At the moment, this applies to our nursery care, which is available weekly during the worship service.)
  • We will keep the front and back doors to our sanctuary open to promote ventilation during worship.
  • Fellowship time will be held outdoors in the tent.

I look forward to worshipping with you this week,

Pastor Jen