September 4, 2024- on the road (again?)
Last weekend, I was able to spend three whole nights with four dear friends.
Last weekend, I was able to spend three whole nights with four dear friends.
On Sunday afternoon, the kids and I had wandered back over to the tents behind the church for some playtime when a pickup truck pulled up.
I want to extend another thank you to the many UCU friends who contributed to the very meaningful memorial service and reception for Violet Hobart last Wednesday.
Today, a mid-August pause.
As we head into summer’s later days, we can feel it on the breeze…Harvest Market is coming!
Pastor Jen will be away this week (July 28-August 3) to chaplain at Camp Wanakee in Meredith, New Hampshire.
In week 3 of our summer series, “I’ve been meaning to ask…,” we consider the question, “what do you need?”
Last week, we kicked off our in-house summer worship with the series, “I’ve been meaning to ask…”
Our outdoor summer worship has begun!
Pastor Jen is on vacation through July 6.