December 8, 2021-If not here, where?

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Worship this Sunday will include two special opportunities to gather as God’s people.

In the morning, we welcome Rev. Mark Demers to the pulpit to deliver the message, “If not here, where?” Mark is a retired United Methodist pastor who currently works for the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) as Landlord Liaison Coordinator within their Fair Housing Project. Mark will share insights on the landscape of housing needs in Vermont as a part of the message. Welcome, Rev. Demers!

Then, on Sunday evening at 7:00, please join us on Zoom for new take on our annual Christmas concert. Several musicians and ensembles have prepared holiday pieces that have been incorporated into a one-hour service of prayer. The music is pre-recorded, but the service will be live with opportunities to share prayers for the season and the world.

Our Advent Sharing series continues this evening (Wednesday 12/8). Bring a decoration or ornament with you and share a story about how it came to be in your household, or what meaning it has for you today.

Blessings on this snowy day,

Pastor Jen