February 14, 2023 – Lenten Lunch Series

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Next week begins the season of Lent. While often associated with deprivation and penitence—which is certainly allowed!—it is on the whole a season of preparation. We are readying ourselves to walk afresh through moments of deepest suffering as well as miraculous joy. And so we look for ways to attune our hearts, minds, and bodies to that journey.

In worship this Lent, we’ll be using the theme “Learning to live inside out (and outside in)” to explore the ways that both our being and our doing can help us in this endeavor. For some of us, a physical activity is a more accessible starting point than time spent in silent reflection. Others of us appreciate the invitation to quietude and study. In worship each week, we’ll offer multiple entry points that may be helpful in deepening both our ethical commitments and spiritual life as we face the realities of our world—a world that stands ever in need of both ways to grieve its sufferings, and to take in the miracles.

To supplement our worship experience, this year I plan to offer an informal Lenten lunch series on Thursdays at noon at the church. Beginning March 9 (and concluding March 30), you are invited to bring your own packed lunch to the basement area for a chance to connect with others, reflect on the scriptures and practices shared in worship, and share in a brief time of mid-week prayer. We’ll conclude by 1 pm, and some additional, Lent-friendly snacks (for those who plan to give up certain indulgences) will be available. You can come each week, or just for one week. There’s plenty of room at the table!

If Thursday lunch doesn’t meet your scheduling needs or interest, there will be plenty of other ways to engage with the season, including those shared with our ecumenical siblings in Christ. See this page for details on Ash Wednesday offerings, and stay tuned for updates on Holy Week activities such as daily morning prayer, the Good Friday walk, and Easter vigil.

With gratitude for the lengthening days that light our journey,

Pastor Jen