June 1, 2021 – Note from Pastor Jen

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Someone shared with me this week that the summer months (June, July & August) are like the days of the weekend (Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday). June is a giant exhale with time to unwind from the year’s activity. July (Saturday) is time to play and recreate, and August (Sunday) is the time to give thanks and get ready for all that is to come in the new year.

For those whose lives more closely follow these seasonal changes, I do wish you much rest, relaxation, and recreation over the coming months. But if the pandemic or other life realities leave you feeling a bit, “off season,” you are not alone. Certainly, UCU’s summer months will be active ones as we serve the community through the Clutter Barn, plan for Harvest Market, and re-enter in-person worship in July. As we anticipate ongoing changes in state guidance, we appreciate everyone’s continued attention and thoughtfulness in our gatherings, even as we celebrate the joy of coming together again.

Still, I’m not ready to abandon altogether the weekend metaphor for summer. As Vermonters, we know how precious the warmer, greener season can be. For some of us, it does mean an added (or a different) labor, but the longer days also serve as an invitation: drawing us out from routine and into a world that is busy with the stuff of life. May we find some rest and restoration amidst the buzzing of bees, blossoming of fruit, and ever-growing grass blades.

Pastor Jen

PS – My sincere apologies for neglecting to initiate virtual coffee hour after church on Sunday. Apparently my mind was buzzing in too many different directions! I look forward to more time to catch up with everyone as we convene in-person worship and gatherings soon.