As our gardens and fields turn to their full summer green, it is fitting that our Sunday text (Mark 4:26-34) presents us with two agricultural parables of God’s kingdom: scattered seed and mighty mustard plants. These brief texts are fertile ground for reflection on God’s persistence, provision and mystery. Everyday miracles are constantly breaking through the ground we stand on, if we’d only take a moment to notice.
This week, we’ll get in touch with our Protestant roots of reading and reflecting together on a text. We’ll use what is traditionally the sermon time for small-group discussion of these parables. I encourage you to read them ahead of time and prepare to share about a time you had or witnessed a mustard seed experience, where something small yielded something unexpectedly great. I pray this will be a meaningful opportunity for connection, especially as I recently neglected to host our virtual coffee hour – apologies!
And speaking of small seeds growing deep roots and tall branches, we’ll also celebrate the stewards of our now-mighty Clutter Barn with some photos and reflections on that ministry.
The New England Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church is meeting this week, and nearly all events will be live-streamed (for free!) on their YouTube Channel. You can view an agenda here and tune in for any portions that are of interest. Please pray for the Conference delegates and leaders as we navigate discussions of disaffiliation and church closings, mourn those who have died since last we met, and celebrate those being ordained, commissioned, and licensed for ministry in these challenging times.
With prayers for moments of green pastures and still waters,
Pastor Jen