It was so wonderful to connect with many of you in person last weekend at the first of the season’s Clutter Barn Tag Sales. Thanks to all the volunteers who helped with tents, tags, tracking, and toting so that we could kick off the year well.
As the weather warms and we look forward to more opportunities to gather, we’re also in need of some special help when it comes to preparing our building. After the basement flood we had in February, we’re taking some time to clean, repair, and re-paint. A full task list is available at the church, but we are asking folks to sign up for shifts so as not to have too many people in the space at one time. A SignUp Genius link is available here.
The tent directly behind our church building is available to reserve for small group in-person gatherings beginning in May. For the time being, we are asking people to continue to wear masks and keep a six-foot distance. The re-entry team will keep the church apprised of any changes to procedures.
This Sunday, we’ll continue our Easter season worship with a communion service on Zoom. Bring some bread and juice with you as we feast together as branches of one vine.
With springing hope,
Pastor Jen