Tonight begins our joint education series with Williston Federated Church and the United Community Church of Morrisville. Over three weeks, we’ll explore questions of denominational identity and polity and how they play out in real life. This will include special attention to the quest for LGBTQ+ rights within the denominations and local churches. We’ll be using UCU’s “regular†Zoom account each week. I hope you’ll join the conversation with our siblings in Christ from Williston and Morrisville.
I also wanted to reiterate the announcement given by Dan Manz on behalf of the re-entry team in worship last Sunday. While COVID numbers are heading in the right direction, they are still high. Therefore, for the month of February, we are encouraging use of the live stream for Sunday worship, while leaving the doors open for those who prefer to attend in-person. We will add a Zoom coffee hour after church each week so that we can see and hear from one another. We pray mightily that trends will continue such that we can return in greater numbers to the sanctuary come March and the start of Lent.
And while we’re on that subject, please mark your calendars for an ecumenical Ash Wednesday service on March 2 and 7:00 pm. This will be the first time in a year that our ecumenical community has gathered for a service of worship, and we pray it will be a meaningful reunion. This service will be held on Zoom with great hope that by Holy Week, we will also have opportunities for in-person ecumenical gatherings.
Prayers of warmth and safety are extended as we prepare for the coming snow. Enjoy the sun today while we have it. And as always, please reach out if you’re in need of assistance, company, or a listening ear.
With prayers that our Groundhog Day-like existence will soon be transformed,
Pastor Jen