June 28, 2023

Dear Friends,
On Saturday June 24 we shared a wonderful celebration of life for John Andrews. And thanks to Janet Gallagher, the choir reassembled to sing “A Place in the Valley,” a song special to the Andrews because of their home in the valley under Mount Mansfield. Many thanks to everyone and to the M & E team for again providing a welcoming reception for the family and friends following the service.

I want to offer a special thank you to Bev Frank for tracking the refurbishment of the pulpit and side chairs, which we dedicated to John and Jane Andrews, longtime members of UCU. The chairs are beautiful and much more comfortable. We added to the notes found inside the pulpit chair from each refurbishment to continue the “time capsule.”

Another thank you goes to Amy Dandurand for creating a lovely musical worship service this past Sunday and year round music direction and to our slide techs, Belinda, Julianne, and Rachel and Sandy for their expert assistance (and patience) throughout the year. May you all enjoy a good Sunday rest for the month of July!

This Sunday, July 2 (!), will be the Ecumenical Outdoor Worship Service at 10am. Leadership will be shared by Calvary Episcopal, Good Shepherd Lutheran and UCU. Rev. Dr. Arnold Thomas will offer the sermon and Rev. Bob Stuhlmann will officiate Communion. Do plan to join us in person!

Summer online services will be on vacation for July as well as we worship outside under the tent for the month.

Grateful to be among you this summer,