May 11, 2022 – Cooperation

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While our very capable and conscientious church secretary is out this week, I am covering the desk to make sure our regular emails go out and website updates are made. (Apologies now for missed announcements, links, and typos.)

While in theory I know how to do these things, it is taking a lot longer than I anticipated, so this note will be brief. But lesson learned: two are better than one. Rhythms of collaboration, while sometimes in need of tweaking or a reboot, help us get things done efficiently and effectively. In a workplace, church, town, or global organization, things generally go better when we find a satisfying place within the structure and cooperate to get things done.

Our scriptures for this coming Sunday remind us that, indeed, all God’s creatures have a place in the story. All of creation can join in praise; all people are invited and empowered to follow Jesus. Figuring out exactly how to work together can still prove a challenge, but as Peter shares after his encounter with Spirit-filled Gentiles, “who am I to stand in God’s way?”

Spring blessings upon us all,
Pastor Jen