May 18, 2022- Thinking Outside the Box

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We are excited to welcome David Feurzeig to play a community concert this coming Saturday at 4:00 in UCU’s sanctuary (see more info here). We are one of his first stops on what will become a 250+ town tour, as he seeks to offer a free concert in every town in Vermont over the next four years.

The times, they are a-changin’, as they say. David’s project demonstrates a new, local approach to sustainable touring, not unlike how our Harvest Crossing team is thinking outside the box to bring affordable homes to Underhill, which is not unlike our faithful striving to make worship accessible and meaningful throughout changing times.

As I shared last Sunday, change always brings anxiety with it as we struggle to find and adjust to new patterns. Sorting through what to cling to and what to leave behind is hard work that is not without grief, which I’m sure David Feurzeig could attest to. Giving up playing at large, prestigious venues around the world for an auto-only, in-state tour that will take four years to complete is quite an adjustment. Yet he is also clear about what he’s clinging to: music made accessible to all who will hear.

That’s why I’m so excited to come out for his concert this weekend. In addition to hearing a spectrum of music that is sure to enliven the spirit and restore the soul, I’ll get to witness the courage of a change-maker, unafraid to take a risk and break the mold. Sometimes the best inspiration for facing change in our own lives is watching someone else do it in their field. I hope many of us will attend this special event or similar ones accessible to the communities and circumstances we find ourselves in.

With prayers for strength and grace through the changes,
Pastor Jen