In case you missed it, I wanted to draw your attention to several special upcoming events outlined in the Advent and Christmas letter circulated last week.
Friday, Dec. 9 – Gift-making workshop for grades PreK-6. Invite your kids, grandkids, friends and neighbors, but don’t forget to RSVP! There are 25 spots available, so email to get your elves signed up for an evening of crafting (begins 6:15 pm).
Saturday, Dec. 17 – Christmas Concert. This year’s presentation by UCU’s musicians and ensembles will take place on a Saturday afternoon at 2:00 pm. It will be in-person only (no live stream). Come enjoy an hour or so of seasonal music on a range of instruments, including a handbell choir.
Saturday, Dec. 24 – Live Nativity. Back by popular demand, we will again have an outdoor live nativity on Christmas Eve (3:00 pm). The animal roles are (mostly) covered, but there is need of shepherds, magi, a holy family, as well as readers and a crowd full of carol singers. Contact Julianne Nickerson to sign up!
Be sure to read the full letter for other activities and worship notes. And pass a copy on to a neighbor or friend along with a warm invitation. ’Tis the season for being together, and as they say, the more, the merrier!
With prayers for Advent peace,
Pastor Jen