
Featured events are listed below. You can also view our full calendar.

Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Each day, clergy from the area will offer a brief (15-minute) devotional time for centering. A  continental breakfast and fellowship time will follow. Pastor Jen will offer a parallel children’s devotion each day (PreK-elementary), and she and the children will lead the Friday morning devotion. 

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Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Each day, clergy from the area will offer a brief (15-minute) devotional time for centering. A  continental breakfast and fellowship time will follow. Pastor Jen will offer a parallel children’s devotion each day (PreK-elementary), and she and the children will lead the Friday morning devotion. 

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Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Each day, clergy from the area will offer a brief (15-minute) devotional time for centering. A  continental breakfast and fellowship time will follow. Pastor Jen will offer a parallel children’s devotion each day (PreK-elementary), and she and the children will lead the Friday morning devotion. 

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Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Each day, clergy from the area will offer a brief (15-minute) devotional time for centering. A  continental breakfast and fellowship time will follow. Pastor Jen will offer a parallel children’s devotion each day (PreK-elementary), and she and the children will lead the Friday morning devotion. 

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Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran

Each day, clergy from the area will offer a brief (15-minute) devotional time for centering. A  continental breakfast and fellowship time will follow. Pastor Jen will offer a parallel children’s devotion each day (PreK-elementary), and she and the children will lead the Friday morning devotion. 

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Ecumenical Good Friday Walk

Ecumenical Good Friday Walk

This annual pilgrimage invites us to remember Christ’s suffering and death with contemplation and connection to our neighbors. Clergy from several congregations will lead brief reflections along the way, this year drawing from the text of Psalm 22. The walk begins at St. Thomas Church in Underhill Center and proceeds down River Road and into Underhill Flats, stopping at the covered bridge, the United Church of Underhill, Calvary Episcopal, and concluding at Catalyst on Raceway.  In order to leave room at St. Thomas' parking lot for their 3:00 pm mass, please arrange to be dropped off at the church, or carpool and use the lot at Moore Park.

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Easter Sunday Service and egg hunt, April 20, 2025

Easter Sunday Service and egg hunt, April 20, 2025

Worship @ 10:00 am at UCU (in person and YouTube Live). Children are invited to stay in the worship service as we celebrate Jesus’s resurrection together. Following the service, the Ministry in Christian Education will host an egg hunt. RSVPs helpful but not required: See This Sunday for more information on the service.

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Hands to Work, Hearts to God Sunday

Hands to Work, Hearts to God Sunday

Today's worship service will be a brief (30 minute) communion service followed by the opportunity to put our hands to work. Indoor and outdoor (weather permitting) spring tasks will be up for grabs following worship. Please dress (down) for the occasion. It doesn't hurt to bring a pair of work gloves!

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Mother's Day & Quilting Dedication

Mother's Day & Quilting Dedication

Our annual hanging of the quilts invites us to reflect on the patchwork beauty of God's artistry. We'll dedicate this year's creations and send them on their way to new homes through our partnership with the Vermont Department of Children and Families.

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Annual Congregational Meeting

Annual Congregational Meeting

Our 2025 Annual Meeting will begin following the worship service at 10:00 am. Annual meeting is the time where we conduct annual business of the church: receiving reports, nominations for committees and church officers, reviewing and approving the budget, and other items as appear in the meeting warning. The Agenda can be found here. The full report can be found here.

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Live nativity

Live nativity

At 10:00 am, we'll gather outside in back of the church for our live nativity. This brief, family-friendly service of story and carol will last around 30 minutes with hot cocoa to follow.

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