The Food Shelf

The United Church of Underhill is one of the 10 churches which run and support the Essex, Jericho, Underhill Ecumenical Ministry Food Shelf. Once a month, we gather at 9:00 am to distribute food to neighbors in our community.

The Jericho Underhill Ecumenical Food Shelf is hosted at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 273 Vermont Route 15, Jericho, VT 05465-0495.

For more information, contact:

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (802)899-3932

Food Shelf website:

The Vermont Food Bank Farmers to Families food box distribution information, dates and locations can be found here:

Need Help?

The Jericho-Underhill Ecumenical Ministries Food Shelf distributes food one Saturday a month from 9:00-10:30am. Generally, the distribution occurs on the 3rd Saturday of each month; however, there are some exceptions. See the schedule on the Calendar page.

We never turn anyone away, but our immediate neighbors in Essex, Jericho and Underhill are served first, and then those from neighboring communities.

No appointment is necessary.

No meals served.

Children's clothing is also available at Food Shelf pickup times.

Location: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Route 15, Jericho 05465.


The Food Shelf welcomes monetary donations sent via check to PO Box 65 Jericho, VT 05465. Monetary donations may also be made through UCU via our Online Giving page. Food donations are being accepted in bins at Price Chopper, Hannaford and Jericho Market.

The staples we distribute include the following:

  • Spaghetti Sauce

  • Pasta

  • Mac & Cheese

  • Tuna

  • Soup

  • Peanut Butter

  • Vegetables

  • Fruit

  • Baked Beans

Generally speaking, the food shelf receives more black beans, kidney beans or refried beans than we are able to distribute, so please donate items from the priority list above rather than these items. (Any food that our patrons will not take is taken to the Burlington food shelf, so be assured that whatever you donate will not go to waste.)

Our church has been asked to focus on providing tuna. This is a good source of protein that is flexible to cook with and is shelf stable. The next time you go shopping and try to remember what it is the food shelf needs most this month it will be easy: Tuna!

The other churches in our ministry have all adopted the remaining staples.

This is not to say that we want nothing but tuna. Any and all contributions are welcome!


Set up occurs from 4:30-5:30pm the Thursday before distribution.

We set up tables for the different foods and put everything out to get ready for the distribution. Participating churches take turns being the primary church responsible for set up, but all are welcome. Many hands make light work!