Guidelines for Worship Assistants

Thank you for agreeing to be a worship assistant. The job of the worship assistant is to read the call to worship, a unison prayer, the scripture, and/or other readings as needed during Sunday worship.

Why we do it:

God speaks in many voices. Both clergy (pastors) and laity (non pastors) are called to lead God’s people in the church. Having a worship assistant allows worshippers to experience different reflections of God’s word and invites laity to join in leading the worship service.

What we do:
Before the service

  • You will receive the readings sometime during the week before your scheduled Sunday. The church secretary generally sends this information. If you have any questions about the readings (pronunciation, etc.), feel free to contact the pastor at

  • Please plan on arriving at least 15 minutes before the service. Obtain a bulletin from an usher, and check to make sure there is a hymnal for you on the shelf inside the lectern.

  • If a scheduling conflict arises, please try to find a replacement and let the person who originally asked you to be a worship assistant of the change. If the change is last minute, please notify the pastor as well.

During the service

  • As the service begins, assist the acolyte in lighting the candles and/or extinguishing the torch, if needed, and proceed in with the pastor.

  • Sit in the chair behind the lectern, and be prepared with your readings.

  • Invite the congregation to stand and sing if a hymn directly follows on of the readings.

  • You may return to your pew after your last reading (generally the scripture reading).

    Time Commitment:

    Approximately 30 minutes in addition to the worship service.