Ministries of United Church of Underhill


The Auditing Ministry examines the records and books of the board of Trustees, the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer and the organizations of the church annually.

Christian Education 

The Ministry in Christian Education, or “MICE”, supervises faith-based learning opportunities within the church including activities for children during Sunday worship, adult education and youth ministries.

A background check is required for all members of this ministry.


The Stewardship Ministry cultivates a spirit of financial and spiritual generosity within the church, leading the church in fundraising and thanksgiving.


The Listeners Ministry tends the pastor-parish relationship by maintaining open communication between the pastor and the church council and committees as well as between the pastor and the congregation. This ministry annually evaluates the effectiveness of the pastor’s ministry and reviews the salary guidelines for the pastor.


The board of Trustees is responsible for the business affairs of the church, including collaboration with the church Treasurer, building the annual budget and monitoring adherence to the budget throughout the year. The Trustees oversee repairs and maintenance of church property and attend to the system that governs employees of the church, including such items as job descriptions, annual evaluations, and compliance with state and federal regulations.

Membership & Evangelism

The Membership and Evangelism Ministry, or “M&E”, supervises activities related to church membership and caring for the congregation. These activities include participating in welcoming new members of the church, attending to the needs of the members including visitations, funeral lunches, recognition of significant life events, and assisting the church Clerk in keeping the membership roles up to date.


The Missions Ministry is responsible for promoting and coordinating local, national and international outreach programs on behalf of the church. This includes ecumenical activities and making recommendations for monetary contributions to external charitable organizations. 


The Nominating Ministry is responsible for assisting members of the congregation in matching their interests and abilities to the ministries of the church, with the goal of enriching the congregant’s life with the church. This ministry prepares a slate of officers and ministry members for congregational vote at the annual meeting as well as filling vacancies of officers and ministries occurring between annual meetings.

Inspirational Worship

The Ministry for Inspirational Worship supervises activities related to worship. This includes assisting the pastor in planning worship services, providing supply pastors and lay worship leaders who lead worship services in the absence of the pastor, assisting in serving communion, organizing ushers, greeters and acolytes, assisting with the music ministry, and providing altar flowers.

Ways to Serve

Church Ministries