
Prayer is central to our life together as a church.

In worship

We pray with scripted and unscripted, spoken and sung words each Sunday, as well as in the stillness and spaces between. Each week, we offer an opportunity for individuals to lift their own prayers of joy, concern, or need before the congregation. The speaker concludes by saying, “this is my prayer,” to which we all respond, “this is our prayer.” Prayers received via the YouTube chat are read aloud in the room.

During the week

We have a prayer chain (email list) run by a church member. You can email if you would like your request sent to a small group of compassionate pray-ers, or if you’d like to join that list of people.

We also have a “prayer corner” in our weekly e-update. This is a bulleted list of prayers and concerns that the pastor reviews in consultation with those sending the request.

Special times of year

During Holy Week (the week before Easter), we gather for ecumenical morning devotions at Good Shepherd Lutheran from Monday through Friday. See our events page for more information closer to the time.