A note from Rev. Purinton

It’s hard to believe I have been serving here as your parental leave pastor for a month now, as
Pastor Jen and her family take time to welcome Baby Mira.

I want to thank all of you – secretary and worship/music team, for your patience and help and
to extend my appreciation to the committees for all your hard work.

In May we dedicated 96 quilts on Mother’s Day – the quilts were donated to DCF for children in
transition. It was a visible reminder of the many ways we can touch others, as were those who
raised money for COTS by walking on May 7.

And this Sunday we celebrate Pentecost – Pentecost is the Christian reinterpretation of the
ancient Jewish pilgrimage festival, the Festival of Weeks, celebrated 50 days after Passover. For
the ancient Israelites, this festival was a diverse, inclusive harvest celebration. For Christians,
Pentecost celebrates the reception of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church. Join us as we
consider how the Spirit works in our lives.