Wrapping up, but not really

This coming Sunday is our last service in the sanctuary and live-streamed before we move out to the tents for summer worship, which will be “offline.” June has been full of culminating worship experiences, and you won’t want to miss this last one led by Rev. Kim Hornung-Marcy. 

Last week’s service included both an update from the UMC Annual Conference (in my sermon) and a presentation from our Harvest Crossing Team (shortly after the sermon), in addition to lovely music leadership from our BirdSong recorders. If you missed it, you can view the recording here.

But lest this move to the tents signal a moment of pause for UCU, we know that the summer season is full of opportunities to gather and serve, including this upcoming weekend. Saturday is our second Clutter Barn tag sale, and there are still many volunteer slots to fill. We will also host our first meal-kit pick-up day on Friday from 11:30-2:00 pm. This program is being run and staffed by the Essex Westford School District, but an extra hand or two for the first distribution would be welcome. Please contact Paul Sisson if you’re interested.

I will be out of town beginning this Friday, but will be praying for all of you through these important days of ministry. I’ll return just ahead of our annual Ecumenical service on Sunday, July 7. I look forward to seeing you under one tent or another over the coming weeks.

Pastor Jen




Annual Conference (UMC)