Praying ahead for November 5

At Church Council this week, we took some time to share how we’re feeling as Election Day approaches. There’s a fair share of nervousness and uncertainty, and also a sense that life will yet go forward. Whatever the outcome, we will continue to wrestle with the realities of being a nation so deeply divided.

We shared ideas as to how we as a church might like to prepare for and respond to November 5. Prayer topped the list. Beginning this week, we’ll take some time in worship near the conclusion of the service to stand and lift a prayer for our country.

We are also hoping to open the sanctuary on election day for drop-in community prayer. Whether you’d like to pray on your way to vote, on the way home, or anytime (because by the point you would have voted a month ago!), the space will be open for you. If you’re interested in being present to welcome those who come to pray, you can sign up here. We’d like to have at least two people in the building throughout the day to welcome those who come.

Stay tuned for more possibilities (a Zoom vigil and ecumenical gatherings were also discussed), or reach out and share your own ideas. We pray that our togetherness and the witness therein will go a long way to moving forward on November 6 and far beyond.

Pastor Jen


To everything there is a season


A message from Harvest Market Chair