On the road (again?)

Last weekend, I was able to spend three whole nights with four dear friends. The five of us have been accompanying one another on our faith and life journeys for the better part of a decade (in some cases more), and our precious time together revealed that due to life’s current circumstances, such gatherings will continue to be rare. I am very thankful to Maureen and others who stepped up so that I could have this retreat time at the start of a new program year. 

Back at my desk (and calendar) this week, I expected to settle in for a more physically present fall, only to be reminded of several engagements that will put me back on the road. While I don’t anticipate missing any Sundays for a while, there are several denominational meetings—plus co-teaching confirmation with Richmond—that will require time away from Underhill. An earlier version of myself would have been looking forward to time out of the routine to get fresh ideas and perspectives. To current me (and my family), it just seems like a lot.

The good news is, I’m sure these experiences will still refresh and invigorate me (and us!) for ministry. Getting the lay of the land “out there” can help inform the decisions we make here. Plus, we’ve got some pretty inspiring stories to take on the road. Not a lot of churches I encounter have anything like Harvest Crossing and Harvest Market going on.

The harder news is that a parent away is quite disruptive to the household, and when I am around, prioritizing family time is important. Ahead of Mira’s birth, we had shifted church meetings requiring my presence to Mondays and Tuesdays only. That has eroded a bit (I take responsibility!), and I will need to shift back to that schedule. I also may need to limit my time at some meetings or skip them every now and again to provide more support at home.

UCU has been nothing but gracious as Chris and I transitioned to parenthood, and we are so grateful. Thank you in advance for understanding when I need to prioritize being home for bedtime or getting to the soccer game after service. I, in turn, am very committed to being present on Sunday mornings, keeping my regular office hours (Thursdays at 11 at Jericho Ale and Bean), and being as responsive as possible to emails and phone messages. 

If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach out to me or the Listeners (listeners@ucu.church; I don’t receive those emails), whose job it is to facilitate a healthy relationship between pastor and congregation. Our current Listeners have both supported and challenged me to set needed boundaries as I navigate these growing responsibilities. This message is one attempt to do that. 

I am looking forward to an active and celebratory fall at UCU. Between Harvest Market, a creation-centered worship series in October, an energizing stewardship season, and the festivities of Advent and Christmas, I know there will be plenty of opportunities to grow and share with one another amidst the fullness of it all. 

Let’s start this Sunday!

Pastor Jen


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The Faith of Friends