A holy week, indeed
This year, I decided to attend each day of the early morning devotions at Good Shepherd.
Holy Week is before us
On Sunday, we begin Holy Week with our annual parade of palms and reading of the passion story.
Breaking and Building
Our son loves being a big brother, at least 90% of the time. (And hey, that’s a pretty high percentage for a four-year-old!)
Back on Sunday
Juggling childcare, work, and meetings is getting a bit hairy as school vacation winds down, so here’s just a quick note to say that I’m looking forward to being back among you this Sunday.
Justice, Righteousness, and Grace
This Sunday, we’ll welcome Rev. Kim Hornung-Marcy back to the pulpit while I’m away.
Growing (as) God’s children
If you’ve been in worship lately, you may have noticed that we are growing in numbers among God’s youngest children.
Again the journey begins
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the forty-day journey toward Easter.
Spring will come
Though I am not a gardener, I know this is a time of year when many enjoy paging through seed catalogs and laying out plans for spring planting.
Exceedingly grateful
Over the last week I’ve learned that several churches in our ecumenical group are experiencing a pastoral transition.
Annual Meeting Sunday
I am looking forward to our Annual Meeting this coming Sunday, and especially to the chance to share a delicious breakfast with you all ahead of the event.
Prayers for a safe recovery
Prayers are with everyone as we recover from the storm and await restoration of power.
New Beginnings
The new year has begun again as it often does for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere: in the bleak midwinter.