Earth Week 2023 Day 2: Lessening Our Carbon Footprints

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Each day this week, United For Justice will be sharing “Tips for Light Footsteps on Mother Earth.” These are also posted on Sandy Wilmot’s blog, where you can find even more posts on “What’s Up With the Climate.”

‘The average carbon footprint for a person in the United States is 16 tons, one of the highest rates in the world. Globally, the average carbon footprint is closer to 4 tons.´ reported by the Nature Conservancy.

As Sandy said, Earth Day is a chance to renew your resolve to be involved in making and keeping our planet sustainable for our lives and future generations.

How do we lessen our carbon footprint on Mother Earth? Any change starts by acknowledging the current situation and, from there, determining best ways to move forward – in big ways like how we heat our homes to little ways turning off lights when we leave rooms. There are numerous on-line tools to determine your current footprints. Carbon Footprint from The Nature Conservancy is one. Cool Congregations is another option. 

One common critique in asking for individuals to make life-style changes to lessen our footprint, is the question ‘Can one person’s actions really change the climate’s trajectory?’ Perhaps not, but we, as followers of Christ the risen Lord, believe in the power of one for the transformation of the world. And when one person becomes two, and two become United for Justice, and United for Justice at The United Church of Underhill connects its congregation with other congregations, change is possible and is our inheritance! As we love and strive to preserve and connect with the natural world, God’s gifts for life, we call others into action with us!

Thank you for being on this journey with me!

Tracie Wright