Guidelines for Ushers

Thank you for agreeing to be an usher!

Why we do it:

We have ushers in order to provide a welcoming environment for both members and visitors,

ensuring that everyone has what they need to participate in worship.

What we do:

• Please plan on arriving at least 15 minutes before the service.

• If a scheduling conflict arises, please try to find a replacement and let the person who

originally asked you to be an usher of the change. If the change is last minute, please

let the pastor know.

Before the service

  • Check pews for unnecessary items, scraps of paper, etc. and straighten as necessary.

  • Open the windows and turn on the fans for ventilation, if needed.

  • Make sure that hymnals and Bibles are available in the pew racks (check bulletin to see which hymnal we will be using and verify that the correct the hymnal is in the pews).

  • On Sundays with communion, speak with pastor to verify how communion will be celebrated and if assistance is needed.

  • Hand out bulletins (and children’s bulletins) to worshippers as they enter, and show people to pews.

During the service

  • Close all doors to the sanctuary as the service begins.

  • Count all worshippers and record the number in the pad located on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Be sure to include worship leaders and children. Ask the tech team for the number of online attendees. (Numbers required for denominational statistical reporting.)

  • Sit in back pew and assist latecomers with bulletins and seating.

  • During the offering, receive plates from the pastor at the front of the sanctuary.

    • Collect offering as follows:

      • Walk to the back of the sanctuary, across the back to the outer wall, then back up to the front pew.

      • Work back, collecting offerings for those seated in the outer half of the pew.

      • The two ushers should attempt to proceed back at approximately the same rate.

      • When both ushers have reached the back, proceed down the center aisle to the front pew, collecting offerings from those seated in the aisle-side half of the pews.

      • After collecting offering, remain in the back until the organist begins playing the doxology. (Often “Praise God from whom all blessings flow…”).

      • During the doxology, move forward and stand at base of stairs. Remain there during the offering prayer. After this you may be seated.

  • During services when there is communion, assist pastor with the distribution of the elements.

    After the service

  • Confirm candles have been extinguished.

  • Tidy up pews.

  • Collect communion cups, if applicable.

Time Commitment:

Approximately 45 minutes in addition to service time.

Number of volunteers needed:

Two per Sunday, rotating around throughout the year.