July 26, 2022- How July has flown

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I say this every year, but I cannot believe how quickly July has flown. It has been a joy to worship with you in some old, familiar ways, and I look forward to one more Zoom Chapel/Outdoor Worship combo this coming weekend. In the coming weeks, be on the lookout for a survey from the Ministry of Inspirational Worship to evaluate how these and our live stream worship experiences are working for you. We will return to the sanctuary at 10:00 am on August 7 with streaming via YouTube Live for our service of word and table (communion).

There is a lot happening and coming up in the life of the church: this week’s Clutter Barn tag sale, our new parents potluck group, a new members class (Aug – Sept), Harvest Market, an October youth program, and the ongoing work of Harvest Crossing. The trustees have been busy replacing Clutter Barn windows, refinishing our downstairs doors, and having the parsonage painted. The phones have been ringing off the hook with requests for medical donations and supplies. Our men’s and women’s midweek lunches continue at various locations. And all this on top of the “regular” ministries of care, mission, worship, education, and stewardship that guide all we do. 

While this list of activities might suggest a return to “normalcy,” we know it’s more complicated than that. The last years have changed the ways we do just about everything. Our varying risk tolerances and preferences mean there are fewer places where we all gather regularly.

This only magnifies the importance of smaller group activities in the life of the church. In addition to the safety in small(er) numbers, small groups can allow for more intimate sharing and regular check-ins. Small groups can (sometimes!) flex to meeting group scheduling needs and more easily find a meeting format that works for the group. And small groups can be a great way to invite friends and neighbors to be a part of the very exciting ministries named above.

As we head toward the fall, I encourage us all to think about either finding a small group to be a part of, or inviting someone to come with us to one of our favorite groups (or Harvest Market venues!). And if there isn’t a group that’s calling your name, but you wish there were, let’s chat! I welcome the wisdom of prophets who have a sense of current needs as well as those yet to come. 

Pastor Jen