Zoom connections

The UCU Zoom room is available for virtual meetings. If you would like to schedule use of the room for your ministry or small group, please confirm the date and time with the secretary, Sue Bahr, so that it gets reserved on the church calendar. Email Sue Bahr

Join via web

  • Go to: https://zoom.us/j/8028991722

  • You will be placed in a waiting room. Hang tight, and a co-host will let you in as soon as they are able.

  • As you join the meeting, you will have the option to use your computer audio or dial in via phone. Computer audio is recommended, but if you prefer to use a phone, follow the instructions and when prompted, enter the meeting ID: 802 899 1722

Join on the phone

  • Dial (646) 558 8656

  • When prompted, enter the Meeting ID: 802 899 1722